Cavia porcellus      Other/NKF2

※ NKF2 family introduction

    NKF2 kinases belong to "Other" group. One member has been identified in human genome, PINK1 (PTEN-induced putative kinase protein 1). PINK1 gene encodes a 581-amino acid protein, which contains an N-terminal 34-amino acid mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS), followed by a transmembrane domain (TMD) and a highly conserved kinase catalytic domain. PINK1 is a mitochondrial membrane integral protein and kinase domain localizes in the outer mitochondrial membrane and is accessible from the cytoplasm. The TMD domain is essential for anchoring PINK1 to the mitochondrial membrane and to ensure the kinase domain faces the cytoplasm. PINK1 function as a ser/thr protein kinase and mediate the phosphorylation of several substrates such as TRAP1, parkin, mTORC2 and so on. Abnormal expression or mutation of PINK1 will lead to diseases, for example PINK1-deficient Drosophila is associated with PD. In addition, PINK1 have been reported to be a key molecule in mitochondrial regulation (1).

1. Kawajiri, S., Saiki, S., Sato, S. and Hattori, N. (2011) Genetic mutations and functions of PINK1. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 32, 573-580. PMID: 21784538

There are 1 genes.  Reviewed (0 or Unreviewed (1

No.StatusiEKPD IDEnsemble Gene IDUniProt AccessionGene Name