PPBDs-containing Proteins Classification: (pS/pT)/LRR※ LRR family introduction LRRs occur in proteins ranging from viruses to eukaryotes, and appear to provide a structural framework for the formation of protein-protein interactions. Grr1 LRR is critical for the recognition of phosphorylated targets of SCF (1).
1. Hsiung YG, Chang HC, Pellequer JL, La Valle R, Lanker S, Wittenberg C. (2001) F-box protein Grr1 interacts with phosphorylated targets via the cationic surface of its leucine-rich repeat. Mol Cell Biol, 21(7), 2506-20. PMID: 11259599
p(S/T) LRR in eukaryotes:
1. Hsiung YG, Chang HC, Pellequer JL, La Valle R, Lanker S, Wittenberg C. (2001) F-box protein Grr1 interacts with phosphorylated targets via the cationic surface of its leucine-rich repeat. Mol Cell Biol, 21(7), 2506-20. PMID: 11259599
p(S/T) LRR in eukaryotes: